
Solar works for me because we just had twins: Sgt. Dawan Woods

This blog is third in a series on diversity in the solar energy field in Florida. Click here for other posts in that series. I managed to catch Technical Sergeant Dawan Woods in a brief…


These Solar Panels Are My Retirement Plan

This blog is second in a series on diversity in the solar energy field in Florida. Click here for other posts in that series. I met Larry Sinatra, a county government employee, at his suburban…


A Hero for Our Times: Meet Clean Energy Girl

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Lighting the Way to Energy Savings and Job Growth in North Carolina

This guest blog was written by Greg Andeck, EDF senior clean energy manager, and Ivan Urlaub, executive director of the NC Sustainable Energy Association and was published here on December 18, 2014.   Rapid…


Knoxville City Council Approves Resolution in Support of Federal Action on Climate Change

Last night, the Knoxville City Council approved a resolution in support of federal action on climate change, the promotion of clean energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas pollution. The Climate Knoxville…


Solar Power is the Next Frontier of Freedom, says Navy Veteran Solar Installer

This blog is the first in a series on diversity in the solar energy field in Florida. Check here for future posts. Retired Navy SEAL Commander Steve Rutherford is on a mission.…


Decisions, Decisions at TVA's Shawnee Coal Plant

As 2014 draws to a close, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) has been busy working on making an important decision at its Shawnee coal plant in Paducah, KY.  December 9th marked the…


What the Senate’s Tax Bill Means for Wind

This is a guest blog post by Mary Kate Francis at the American Wind Energy Association. The original post was published here December 17, 2014 on the AWEA blog, Into the Wind.…


Community Solar Projects Expand Access to Clean, Affordable Energy in the Tennessee Valley and Across the Southeast

Solar fever is sweeping the nation, and the Southeast is no exception. Every year, more and more people are taking advantage of the most abundant energy resource on Earth by installing solar…


The Silver Lining to Florida's Disappointing Energy Efficiency Efforts

I have been putting off writing this blog because I have not found a positive angle to the story of Florida's energy efficiency goals, and I was still hoping that there might…