
Congressman Sanford Stands With the Coast, Rejects Offshore Drillling This Morning

This morning, Congressman Mark Sanford hosted a press conference where he clearly announced firm opposition to offshore drilling and exploration for oil and gas off the Atlantic coast, thus aligning  with the sentiment…


A Bright, Sunny Forecast for the Tennessee Valley

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Duke fines for coal ash pile up, but the ash piles don't shrink

Duke Energy is under a lot of pressure these days. Coal ash has become a serious financial and public relations liability for the corporation, yet so far, the nation's largest utility isn't…


Southeast Utility-Scale Solar: Cost-Effective for Customers

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Wind Powers Jobs in Alabama

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Could States Benefit From Revenue Sharing in the Atlantic?

To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy and in the lead up to Hands Across the Sand on May 16, SACE is publishing a blog series highlighting some of…


Is TVA Undervaluing Wind Energy?

Much of the country is currently experiencing a "wind rush" - 23,000 new jobs were created in the wind industry just last year. Wind power's low price is driving utilities to snap…


Exposing Corporate Pawns: PACE

One important service we try to provide to our members, supporters, and the news media that follow clean energy issues in our region is information on who is trying to move our…


Separating PACE's Fiction from the Facts on Solar Power

The Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy (PACE) is the public face of a complex network of firms employed by fossil fuel and monopoly utility interests. The organization recently disseminated talking points on solar power…


The Palmetto State Stands Tall in the Wind Energy Industry

This is the seventh post in a blog series discussing state-by-state highlights of wind energy throughout the South in the lead up to the WINDPOWER Expo in Orlando, FL, May 18 –…