New Report: Power Infrastructure Faces Increased Vulnerability From Climate Change
A report released earlier this week by the Union of Concerned Scientists examines the vulnerability of electricity infrastructure as global warming increases the likelihood of extreme flooding. The report, titled Lights Out:…
Scary Stuff Blocking Solar in the Sunshine State
I am constantly amazed at how low Florida’s monopoly utilities are willing to go to protect their right to pollute and keep their captive customers. Frankly, it’s scary and that seems very…
Halloween Costume Guide: The Tricks and Treats of Fighting for Clean Energy
This blog was written by Alissa Jean Schafer and Sarah Gilliam, with creative contributions from Angela Garrone and Sara Barczak. Here at SACE, we work very hard to move the Southeast towards clean energy…
Florida’s Highest Court Approves Solar Choice
This week marks an important milestone for solar policy in the Southeast, specifically Florida. Florida’s Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that the language proposed by the Floridians for Solar Choice ballot initiative…
Extra Extra! Clean Power Plan Finally Published!
Almost 2 and a half months after the Clean Power Plan was released, it has finally become the law of the land. Today, the Clean Power Plan was published in the Federal…
Guest Post: Clean Power Plan Can Boost Energy Efficiency Investments in Affordable Housing
This Guest Post was written by Khalil Shahyd, Project Manager, Urban Solutions for the Natural Resources Defense Council and originally appeared on NRDC's Switchboard Blog. One of the overlooked elements in President Obama's Clean…
Georgia Power, Alabama Power to begin addressing coal ash storage
This article is posted with permission of the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC). Click here to see their original post. SELC represents SACE in several coal ash related legal cases. Georgia Power…
Labor and the Clean Power Plan: More Jobs, More Justice
This guest post was written by Dean Hubbard and Alejandra Núñez of the Sierra Club and originally appeared in the Sierra Club's Compass blog. You can find the original post here. The Spanish version…
Justicia Económica y el Plan de Energía Limpia: Más Empleos, Más Justicia
This guest post was written by Dean Hubbard and Alejandra Núñez of the Sierra Club and originally appeared in the Sierra Club's Compass blog. You can find the original post here. The English version of the blog can be found…
A People's Movement Takes Widespread Action on Climate Around the Southeast and Nation Today
This post is part of the “Prelude to Paris” series highlighting updates and analysis on international climate negotiations in the lead up to the United Nations climate change conference – the 21st…