
Honoring Black History Month and the Path Towards Energy Justice: Hollis Briggs of Wilmington, NC

This blog is the first in our 2016 Black History Month series honoring advocates and opportunities to advance energy justice. Information for this blog was taken from a phone interview with Hollis Briggs…


Did TVA stay on budget with the "new" TVA Watts Bar 2 reactor?

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Taking the fight against Atlantic offshore drilling to Washington

Greetings from the nation’s capital! I am in Washington, D.C. on a trip to talk with Congressmen and Senators from South Carolina about the need to protect the Southeast coast from the…


Nuclear power carries extreme, persistent risks

Below is a guest blog post, published with permission, of an opinion editorial by William H. Schlesinger, Dean Emeritus at the Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University, that originally ran in…


Time for North Carolina to Support Wind Power

Wind turbine technology has advanced significantly in the past few years, enabling wind farms to sprout up in new areas, particularly in the Southeast. Taller turbines and longer blades are capable of capturing…


Solar Jobs are Shining Bright

The solar industry has had another banner year for job growth. According to the Solar Foundation’s 6th annual solar jobs census, over 35,000 new solar jobs were added in North America in…


Putting the “modern” in Duke Energy’s modernization plan

This is a guest blog Joan Walker, MountainTrue Campaign Director/Interim Director of Southern Region.   On January 26, in Asheville, our communities will have their only chance to speak on Duke Energy’s…


Green Spirit Awards: Cheers to North Carolina brewery, winery and distillery

This is the first blog in a monthly series, highlighting breweries, wineries and distilleries in the Southeast using clean energy to create tasty, sustainable beverages. As blogs get added to this series, go…


Offsetting Natural Gas with Solar at the SC Court of Appeals

Last Thursday, SACE and partner groups Coastal Conservation League and Southern Environmental Law Center, were at the South Carolina Court of Appeals to continue trying to save electric customers money and reduce…


The Rise of the Non-Traditional Energy Buyer

John Powers leads the Renewable Energy Advisory Services Division at Renewable Choice Energy and has helped corporate and institutional clients achieve their renewable energy goals for over 12 years. This is the…