
WV v. EPA: SCOTUS rules on EPA authority to regulate GHG emissions

We explore how the ruling does - and does not - affect opportunities for climate action nationally and in the Southeast.


SACE's Fifth Annual "Solar in the Southeast" Report: Solar Demonstrates Resiliency Despite Significant Supply Chain Disruption

Each year, SACE highlights solar data and trends throughout the region in our annual "Solar in the Southeast" report.


What's at the Center of the Georgia Power 2022 Rate Case?

We're still a few weeks away from final PSC decisions on the Georgia Power IRP (Integrated Resource Plan) and yet we've already begun the companion Rate Case process. The Company made its…


Evaluation Shows Memphians Would Benefit from New Power Supply, More Information Will Reveal Benefits

On June 9, Memphis’ city utility, MLGW, hosted a joint meeting to the MLGW Board and Memphis City Council to present preliminary findings of their evaluation thus far of the bids MLGW…


Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: 2022 Annual Update

Climate science shows we must achieve net-zero GHG emissions between 2040-2055 to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C and avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.


NextEra Sets Goal to Decarbonize, Proposes Big Transition for Florida Power & Light

NextEra has proposed an ambitious decarbonization goal and it could mean big changes for Florida Power & Light. The plan includes a massive increase in utility scale solar development and heavy reliance…


Highlights from the Florida PSC's Ten Year Site Plan Workshop

Update: on July 11, 2022, FPL withdrew its extreme winter peak demand proposal from consideration after pushback from the Office of Public Counsel, Commission staff, and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and…


Georgia Residents Continue Speaking Up About the IRP

Georgia Power, the investor-owned utility that has monopoly status and serves customers in 150 counties in Georgia, is planning for its next two decades of energy use, and Georgia residents are making…


Leon County, Florida: Planning for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

Congratulations Leon County, Florida, the latest municipality to pass an EV-Ready policy, one of the most cost-effective strategies to increase infrastructure and enable access to home charging for more community members.


Georgians are Speaking Up About Georgia Power’s Energy Plan

SACE and partners are hosting a public meeting in Athens, Georgia on May 19 to help inform the public about Georgia Power's long-term energy resource planning process and ways to submit comments…