
Sleeping Giants: TVA and Georgia Power Stuck in Second Gear on Energy Efficiency

This is the third entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities’ energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region…


How many jobs do wind farms create?

This blog is part of the Southern Wind Energy Association's Windy Wednesday series leading up to the wind energy industry’s largest annual event, WINDPOWER 2016, being hosted in New Orleans May 23-26. Registration and details…


Fate of Nearly 100 Million Tons of Coal Ash Could Hinge on NCDEQ Hearings

North Carolina’s Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) may allow Duke Energy and its North Carolina subsidiaries to leave an estimated 97,350,920 tons of coal ash in unlined pits (called "impoundments" or "ponds"),…


A Tale of Two Utilities: Post-Merger Duke Sees Growth in Carolina Energy Efficiency

This is the second entry in a new blog series entitled Energy Savings in the Southeast. We will dive into the recent performance of Southeastern utilities’ energy efficiency programs, and highlight how the region can…


What is threatening Biscayne and Everglades National Parks and South Florida’s Drinking Water?

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Wind Power Provides 40% of Electricity to Southwest Power Pool

This blog is part of the Southern Wind Energy Association's Windy Wednesday series leading up to the wind energy industry's largest annual event, WINDPOWER 2016, being hosted in New Orleans May 23-26. Registration…


Big Solar Brightens Up South Carolina Economy

Adger Solar's two new solar power projects in South Carolina have made it into the public eye as they undergo local government review. We anticipate that these projects will deliver roughly 80…


Super Tuesday: Why are conservatives crazy in love with THIS type of energy?

Conservatives get a bad rap for hating renewable energy. But new polling out by the conservative group, ClearPath, show what types of energy republican voters really want and with Super Tuesday upon…


Southeast Women in Solar, 2016 #nationWISE Event

SACE staffers Allie Brown and Anne Blair also contributed to this post. Earlier this month, we blogged about that national solar roundtable discussion called #nationWISE. Over 600 professionals all over the country…


Honoring Black History Month and the Path Towards Energy Justice: Creating a Climate for Change

This is the fifth and final post in our 2016 Black History Month blog series honoring advocates and highlighting opportunities to advance energy justice. To read other blogs in this series, click…