
Where Does the Florida PSC Stand on Expanding Rooftop Solar?

Where does the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC) stand on expanding the benefits of rooftop solar to more Floridians? The 5-member commission, appointed by Governor Scott, failed to approve a proposed solar…


Guest Blog: Everyday Climate Vulnerability in Places like Memphis

This is a guest blog written by Shelley Poticha with NRDC. To read the original post, click here. Big storms like Harvey in Houston and Katrina in New Orleans garner weeks of…


Women DRIVING Electric Transportation: Lisa Poger

This blog was written by Anne Blair, former Director of the Clean Fuels Program at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Southeast Chapters Head to Capital Cities to Say No Way to New Drilling!

This is a guest blog originally posted by Surfrider. To read the original post, click here. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) released a draft of the 2019-2024 five year offshore…


Bills seek to promote solar freedom in SC Legislature

Several bills have been introduced in the South Carolina Legislature to promote solar freedom and reduce energy costs for consumers. These bills seek to help consumers, who are now burdened with having…


Solar in the Southeast WEBINAR (this is a recording)

Earlier this week, we hosted a webinar featuring an overview of SACE's 2017 Solar in the Southeast Annual Report along with time for questions and answers. We recorded that webinar and you can…


Last Chance! Trump Offshore Drilling Comment Period Ends Tomorrow

Tomorrow, Friday, March 9, marks the end of the comment period on President Trump's new "drill-everywhere" offshore drilling plan. If you haven't submitted your comments yet, visit the online comment portal here…


Honoring Black History Month: Cornelia Crenshaw, Unsung Hero of the Civil Rights Movement

This blog was written by Jazzmyn Davenport, who is SACE's Energy Justice Intern and attends Christian Brothers University in Memphis, TN. As Black History Month comes to a close, we wanted to take…


Florida Proposal Aims to Ban Nearshore Oil Drilling

Oil and water just don’t mix – especially in Florida. The Sunshine State has 1,200 miles of coastline that is home to pristine beaches, world-class fishing, and coastal communities that drive the…


TVA's Extravagant Executive Toys at Your Expense

Just when you thought the excessive executive compensation was bad, it appears that the Tennessee Valley Authority's CEO Bill Johnson, already the highest paid federal employee in the entire country taking home…