
Congressman Crist and local elected officials take a spin in an EV at Driving on Sunshine electric vehicle roadshow event

This blog was written by Kelsey Grentzer, former Florida Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, in partnership with the City of St. Petersburg,…


Knoxville Mayor Candidates Debate Future of Energy in the City

The #RenewTN movement proved that it is growing –– as the largest crowd yet to assemble in the Knoxville mayoral campaign gathered to hear candidates’ plans on addressing energy issues that affect…


TVA releases final long-term resource plan, and we are underwhelmed

TVA fails to deliver on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and transparency in their final IRP. But most of all, it fails its customers.


House budget would stop seismic testing, new IHAs and offshore drilling!

The U.S. House of Representatives just voted to protect our coasts from offshore drilling. Read on to find out more.


Should we mourn the Clean Power Plan?

The Clean Power Plan would have made a difference in the Southeast. It would have driven significant emission reductions. This blog was originally published on June 18, 2019 and has been updated…


Knoxville proposes new Greenhouse Gas Emission Goals

US cities are taking action to address the climate crisis. Knoxville, Tennessee recently unveiled goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Here we review those goals, how they could affect the Scruffy…


Florida’s power regulators can help consumers save money by setting sensible conservation goals

This op-ed, written by SACE staff Susan Glickman & George Cavros, originally appeared on TheInvadingSea.com (a collaboration of four South Florida media organizations — the South Florida Sun Sentinel, Miami Herald, Palm…


South Carolina PSC Slaps Down Outrageous Duke Fee Hike

The South Carolina Public Service Commission (PSC) issued its conclusions for Duke Energy's proposed fee hike this week, which amounted to a victory for customers. Though the Commission's order is not perfect,…


SACE Input on the Georgia Power IRP (Integrated Resource Plan)

SACE formally intervenes in the Georgia Power IRP (Integrated Resource Plan) process. This blog summarizes our recommendations for expanding energy efficiency and renewables in the plan.


Corporate Leadership: Solar in the Southeast (part 5)

The final installment in this blog series highlights corporate leadership in renewable procurement. Five companies are doing nine projects in three Southeastern states totaling more than 1,000 MW (1 GW) of solar.