
TVA response to possible MLGW exit raises more questions than it answers

TVA’s insistence that it can offer a cleaner energy supply begs the question of why it doesn't just announce a net-zero carbon goal like the other utilities in the region. Leaders in…


Where the 2020 Candidates Stand on Energy Issues

This post is the first in a series of blogs examining where 2020 Southeastern candidates for state and federal offices stand on key energy and climate issues. Note: The Southern Alliance for…


Potential Energy Market in the Southeast? What We Know So Far About SEEM

A number of Southeast utilities have been meeting behind closed doors to discuss developing a "market" of sorts across the region. Here we break down what we know so far and what…


Florida Public Service Commission Approves Expanded Low-Income Efficiency Programs

On July 7, the Florida Public Service Commission rejected its own staff's recommendation, which would have blocked implementation of new and improved efficiency programs. The Commission also opened a rulemaking docket to…


SunRisers: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 4)

Utilities exhibiting the highest solar ambition over the next four years earn the prestigious title of SunRisers. Today's blog, the fourth in a series about our new Solar in the Southeast annual…


North Carolina Joins the Largest-Ever State Partnership to Slash Vehicle Pollution

This week, fifteen states plus DC have committed to achieving 100% tailpipe pollution-free electric trucks and buses by 2050. These states account for 35% of the nations' medium and heavy-duty fleets, making…


Should I Stay or Should I Go?

With all due respect to The Clash, Memphis has an important decision to make. The City/utility can save hundreds of millions of dollars and receive cleaner energy by leaving TVA for an…


Florida PSC Staff Recommendation on Efficiency Raises Alarm and Questions

Why is the Staff at the Florida Public Service Commission recommending cutting back energy efficiency programs at a time when so many families are struggling to pay already-high power bills?


Electric Vehicles Will Kick Gas

As the world reels from the public health impacts of the pandemic and economic uncertainty looms large, stories about an impending electric vehicle market crash provide click-bait, little more. It is no…


'Solar in the Southeast' – Third Annual Report Highlights Disparity in Solar Growth, Policies, and Approaches Throughout the Region

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) is pleased to release the third annual 'Solar in the Southeast' report. As usual, we include a rolling four-year forward forecast, now covering the period…