
TVA decision to downsize Generation Partners defies logic

Imagine you were head of an agency charged with providing affordable energy, stewarding the environment and supporting economic development and technological innovation. Now imagine that the agency operated a program that fostered…


Obama Must Stand With EPA On Climate Policy

President Obama recently announced the cancellation of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plans to update weak and scientifically unsupported Bush-era ozone standards. The President based this unfortunate decision on the newly popular idea…


In Ga Revised Air Permit Fails Again to Protect

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Behind the scenes look at Georgia biodiesel plant

The following blog post was written by Claire Pendergrast, SACE summer intern (Atlanta office).  I wish her all the best at Dartmouth this Fall and beyond. To round out the final days…


Bachmann Delivers EPA Trash-Talk

This post by David Jenkins originally appeared at Frum Forum and has been reposted here with their permission. Jenkins is Vice President for Government and Political Affairs for Republicans for Environmental Protection.…


Climate deniers take the stage at GOP debate

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Tennessee Energy Efficiency Loan Progam helping the bottom line and the environment

If you're a Tennessee business owner thinking about reducing costs through energy efficiency or installing a renewable energy system, it's a good time to turn thought into action. Tennessee's Energy Efficiency Loan…


Tar Sands Action, Turning People Out

What do the nuclear catastrophe at Fukushima, BP’s Deepwater Horizon oil spill, and the Kingston coal ash spill have in common? In each of these crises, the mainstream media’s response coverage only…


Hurricane Irene and its Impact on Wind Farms

This is the final blog in a three part series examining how natural disasters like hurricanes impact our energy generation. In the past decade, wind turbines have sprouted up along the East…


How Wind Farms Weather Hurricanes

This is the second in a three part series of blogs examining how natural disasters like hurricanes impact our energy generation. Recently, we published a blog on the Intermittency of Fossil Fuels highlighting…