
Japan Update End of Year Review

This blog was co-authored by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy, and Mandy Hancock, SACE's former High Risk Energy Organizer.


Instead of Coal, Santa and EPA Bring Relief from Toxic Mercury

With less than a week to go before Christmas, you might think that this post is about an early present. In fact, it’s about a late present—two decades late—but it is a…


Study highlights the growing solar value chain in Tennessee

A recent study released by the Tennessee Solar Institute (TSI) highlights the state's growing solar value chain as one of the bright spots in Tennessee's economy, but warns that Tennessee must remain…


An Efficient Holiday Season: Eco Entertaining

I wanted to wrap up our holiday series by addressing a final, major seasonal activity that is generally high in energy consumption: holiday entertaining. I know that party planning can be a…


Enough Lies and Misinformation

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson is set to finalize a crucial new clean air rule to limit mercury pollution. Meanwhile opponents of clean energy are tripping over themselves to have the…


Southern Company Making Us Proud

National Public Radio's Morning Edition ran a story today on how Southern Company is putting its corporate policy of aggressively fighting beneficial health standards ahead of mothers and children, as well as…


An Efficient Holiday Season: Decorating Edition

Over the last couple weeks, I’ve shared with you some tips and tricks for minimizing the energy impact of your holiday cooking exploits and your shopping and gift giving activities. However, I’ve…


Obama Opens Oil Floodgate in the Gulf

Every five years, the federal government is required by law to update its leasing program for offshore oil and natural gas development. On November 8th, Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar announced…


Lawmakers in Florida pick winners and losers with nuclear projects

This opinion piece was authored by Lee County Commissioner Ray Judah. Lee County is located in Southwest Florida. There’s been a lot of talk coming out of Tallahassee recently about fewer government…


Did N.C. lead a retreat from cleaner air standards?

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.