
Open Letter to Sens. Corker and Alexander on TVA Board Nominations

Update: On February 7, 2013 the organizations on this letter received a response from Senator Corker's office; the letter can be viewed here. We have still received no response from Senator Alexander's…


TVA Awarded Utility of the Year by AWEA

In November 2012, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was recognized as the "Utility of the Year" by the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). The former CEO of AWEA, Denise Bode, said of this…


Busy Season for Bioenergy

You may not have noticed, but interesting things have been happening in Washington with regards to bioenergy.  In fact, it’s been quite a busy few months of new project and policy developments.…


TVA Board Nominees Confirmed, but What About Dr. Brown?

  On the morning of January 1, 2013, the Senate passed the controversial fiscal cliff bill and sent it to the House of Representatives. That afternoon, while all eyes were on the…


Georgia Power takes major step away from dirty coal

Southern Alliance for Clean Energy applauds Georgia Power's January 7 announcement that it will seek approval to retire several of its least economical, oldest, and dirtiest electric generators – 2061 MW worth…


How to End Blackouts Forever

This guest post, written by Amory Lovins, the co-founder, chairman and chief scientist of Rocky Mountain Institute, originally appeared in Time Magazine, here. Come hell or high water — and Sandy brought both to…


Identifying Wind Farms in Google Earth

This blog is one in a series on ways to identify power sources in Google Earth. To use all the features discussed in these blogs, download Google Earth, here. Chances are, if…


Congress Prevents Wind Industry from Falling Off Cliff

This post was written by Steve Clemmer, Director of Energy Research & Analysis for the Union of Concerned Scientists, and first appeared on UCS' blog The Equation on January 2. You can…


Identifying Nuclear Reactors in Google Earth

This blog is one of a series on ways to identify power sources in Google Earth. To use all the features discussed in these blogs, download Google Earth, here. Nuclear power plants…


A Changing Climate and a Changing Public

This post, written by Southern Energy Network's Communications Fellow Simone Domingue, first appeared on SEN's blog. You can find the original post here. “A Climate of Change” read one of the Saturday…