Organizing for Action on Climate
In the lead up to President Obama’s speech last week, White House energy advisor Heather Zichal was quoted as saying that President Obama views addressing climate change as a “legacy issue” for…
Southeast River Runs Part 3: Coal Ash on the Black Warrior River
This is the third blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Nelson Brooke, Black…
Southeast River Runs Part 2: Coal ash on the Catawba River
This is the second blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Rick Gaskins,…
Obama Speech Connects Climate to Responsible Parenting
"I refuse to condemn...future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing." President Obama, June 25, 2013 President Obama’s speech today was a welcome outline of the additional actions this administration will take…
Greening Your Summer: Climate Friendly Parks
As of last Friday, summer is officially here! A popular destination for many vacationers this season will be one of our National Parks, which see over 275 million visitors in a year.…
5,000+ at Bonnaroo Say No to Keystone XL
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.
So-called nuclear renaissance relapses, recovery seems unlikely
Despite much fanfare about the so-called nuclear "renaissance" over the past several years, not much has actually materialized. In fact, the last couple of weeks have proven particularly challenging to the renaissance…
Southeast River Runs Part 1: Coal ash on the rivers we love
This is the first blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Summer is a great time of…
City of Charleston Embraces Offshore Wind, Welcomes Opportunity
Last night, Charleston, South Carolina's City Council passed a resolution in support of wind energy as an economic driver for our region. The resolution acknowledged that wind energy manufacturing currently employs nearly…
Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero Champions Efficiency!
The City of Knoxville should be proud of Mayor Madeline Rogero for her efforts to institute and advance energy efficiency! Last Friday, at the 24th annual Energy Efficiency Forum held in Washington, D.C.,…