The Crazy True Story Of How A Handful Of Climate Advocates Painted A Red Town Green
This post, by Zack Beauchamp, originally appeared on Think Progress' Climate Progress blog here on July 31, 2013. Knoxville, Tennessee. (Credit: Flickr user Alex Banakas) You might be surprised that the same…
A Surge of Misinformation on Wind Farms and Hurricanes
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.
Southeast River Runs Part 7: Coal ash on the ACF River Basin
This is the seventh blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Dan Tonsmiere,…
Bridging Faith and Science to Fight Climate Change
"We must find common ground or we lose all ground." Reverend Dr. Gerald Durley Over the weekend, an impressive line up of community leaders gathered at Ebenezer Baptist Church in downtown Atlanta,…
Statement: Alabama Power needs more transparent regulation
This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Return of the Friendly Ghost? Supreme Court Visited by CSAPR
The specter of federal air regulation for cross-state air pollution has risen once more. On June 24, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review an appeals court rejection of EPA's Cross-State…
Southeast River Runs Part 6: Coal ash in the ACT River Basin
This is the sixth blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Frank Chitwood,…
Obama Administration Moves Virginia Offshore Wind Energy Forward
Originally posted on the National Wildlife Federation's Wildlife Promise blog by Amber Hewett on July 22, 2012. Reposted with permission from NWF with our gratitude. An announcement this morning gives an important…
Energy Efficiency Model Can Help Meet Climate Goals: California
This was originally presented on NRDC Switchboard in Devra Wang’s Blog, 8-Jul-13, reposted with permission by NRDC.------- California’s 40 years of remarkable success in using energy efficiency to avoid dirty power generation and save utility…
Southeast River Runs Part 5: Coal Ash on the Waccamaw River
This is the fifth blog in a series featuring rivers of the Southeast endangered by toxic coal ash pollution. The rest of the series can be found here. Thanks to Christine Ellis,…