
Clemson Wind Turbine Testing Facility Opens in North Charleston

Yesterday was the grand opening of the Clemson University Wind Turbine Drivetrain Testing Facility, the biggest and most advanced test center of its kind in the world. SACE was a sponsor of…


Net Metering: Reverse Robin Hood...Really?

I just returned from the 125th Annual Meeting of NARUC, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, held this year in Orlando, FL.  The agenda touched on a vast range of issues…


Santee Cooper Leads South in Cleaning Up Coal Ash Waste

For almost half a century Santee Cooper dumped coal ash in unlined pits at its Grainger Power Station in Conway, South Carolina. This ash pollutes the Waccamaw River with high levels of arsenic…


Who made Georgia's Dirty Dozen list? Coal and nuclear plants, that's who!

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Five years since Kingston: Communities still waiting for solutions

Six weeks from now marks the fifth anniversary of the Kingston coal ash disaster, one of the worst environmental catastrophes in American history. In the coming weeks, we will post a series of blogs…


Big Coal Retirements Announced at TVA Board of Directors Meeting

At today's Board of Directors' meeting in Oxford, MS, TVA announced that it will be retiring 3,308 MWs of coal capacity from 3 plants.  SACE welcomes this announcement as it signals a…


What can nuclear power deliver? Not what Pandora's Promise claims...

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Alabama Wind Farm Foes Plagiarize Loser Lawsuit

Alabama is a hotbed for wind farm development. Pioneer Green Energy, a Texas-based company with decades of experience developing wind projects across the country, is proposing the Noccalula and Shinbone wind projects in…


Fowl Play: Wind Farms Unfairly Targeted by Fossil Fuel Industry

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Continued Carbon Dioxide Emissions Savings at SACE!

I am proud to announce that SACE reduced our carbon dioxide emissions by another ten metric tons from 2011 to 2012! As in years past, after calculating our footprint, we purchased offsets…