South Miami Mayor Goes Big on Solar and Bill Savings
This Guest Blog is courtesy of Philip Stoddard, Mayor of South Miami. I am trying to envision my first $7 electric bill from FPL. For years I’ve watched the prices drop on…
What the Clean Power Plan Means for the Southeast
On Wednesday, June 18, the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan was published in the Federal Register, officially starting the 120-day comment period. Released on June 2, the Clean Power Plan…
Free Money For Your Organization's Rooftop; Solar Campaign Courtesy Of Mosaic
This blog, written by Ariel Schwartz, originally appeared on Co.Exist on June 17 and can be viewed here. Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is proud to be an original supporter of Mosaic’s…
SACE Meets with EPA on New Carbon Rule
A handful of advocates from the Southeast traveled to Atlanta on Thursday June 12th to meet with officials from the EPA’s Region 4 office. SACE was joined by other regional advocates Greenlaw, Southern…
Coal Ash Legal Fight Moves to Florida
With all the news following the Dan River coal ash disaster this February, it may seem that North Carolina is the only Southeastern state with coal ash woes. Unfortunately, there are plenty…
Tour Du Soleil: Atlantans Bike for Solar Energy During City’s First Bicycle Festival
This post is by Alex Solomon, a new SACE member who met us on the ride. What better way to see clean energy in action than by bike? On June 9th, I…
North Carolina off to a great start to meet EPA's Clean Power Plan
This is a guest post by Luis Martinez at Natural Resources Defense Council. It was originally published on NRDC's Switchboard blog on June 5, 2014. [Last] Monday, the US Environmental Protection Agency…
Coal Ash Still Has North Carolina Stumped
In our work to promote clean, healthy and safe energy choices in the Southeast, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy tackles some pretty complex issues; from the big-picture question of how to reduce our…
South Carolina Legislature Gives Two Thumbs Up To Wind Energy
Last week, the South Carolina Legislature passed a resolution in support of wind energy in the Palmetto State. Senator Greg Hembree (R-Dillon and Horry Counties) introduced S 757, a concurrent resolution "to recognize the…
EPA proposed regulations suggest states capture up 6 times more efficiency in the Southeast
On June 2, the EPA released its proposed rules on existing coal fired power plants. In our press release, we discussed that the proposed standards call for reductions in carbon emissions from…