
Dirty energy takes toll on public health

This post was originally printed in the Orlando Sentinel on May 16 and can be viewed here. Last week, the U.S. Global Change Research Program released the congressionally-mandated National Climate Assessment. The…


5 Ways Tennessee Can Reduce its Power Plant Emissions

This guest blog was written by Michael Obeiter, Kristin Meek and Rebecca Gasper of the World Resources Institute (WRI).  The original post can be found here. A new WRI analysis finds that Tennessee can…


Governor Scott, What's Your Plan?

There has been a lot of attention paid to climate change impacts to Florida in the past month, including the record rain storms that resulted in the declaration of a state of…


Climate Change Takes Center Stage on Earth Week in Miami

Climate change impacts, including sea level rise, were front and center in South Florida  - paying true respect to Earth Week. While environment-focused events were occurring across Florida, Miami-Dade County was home…


Energy Grants Available Now for Farmers and Small Rural Businesses

This morning USDA announced they are inviting applications for grants for rural energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.  The REAP grant program supports installation of EE and RE equipment on farms and…


Shady attacks on renewable energy in North Carolina

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


Power Outages, Extreme Weather, and Climate Change: How Smart Energy Choices Will Help Keep the Lights On

On April 29, SACE's High Risk Energy Program Director, Ulla Reeves presented on the topics covered in this blog to the first-ever Carolinas Climate Resilience Conference in Charlotte, NC.  This blog post…


Breaking News: Supreme Court Upholds EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule!

After a trip through the United States' court system that brought it all the way to the Supreme Court, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) friendly ghost of interstate air pollution is alive…


Secret sweetheart deal for Georgia nuclear reactors puts taxpayers at risk

Earlier this week, shocking news was released regarding $6.5 billion in taxpayer-backed federal loan guarantees for two new nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle in Georgia. Two partners in the project, Georgia Power…


Pressure Mounts for Duke Energy Coal Ash Cleanup

Since the Dan River coal ash disaster began, North Carolina seems to have become the epicenter in the fight to clean up coal ash dumpsites. All eyes are on Duke Energy and…