Can wind energy help save birds?
This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.
Tuesday kicks off 24 Hours of Reality
This blog was written by SACE Communications Intern, Kelsey Adler, and SACE Communications Coordinator, Jeannie McKinney. “True change happens when we embrace reality.” Such is Climate Reality’s mission statement, an aptly named…
El Costo del Cambio Climático para Miami Beach…
La Comisión de la Ciudad de Miami Beach acaba de aprobar un incremento del 84% en tasas municipales que financian infraestructuras destinadas a combatir los efectos del incremento del nivel del mar…
U.S. Offshore Wind Power Advancing Off Of Drawing Boards And Into The Water, New DOE Report Says
This guest post was written by Kit Kennedy, Director of Energy and Transportation for Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). The piece originally appeared in NRDC's blog Switchboard on September 3, 2014. You can access it here. Could the U.S.…
Big News on BP
This is a guest post from our partners at Gulf Restoration Network originally published on Friday, September 5. The ongoing impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster go to show that offshore…
2013 Sets Record in Atmospheric CO2, Makes Biggest Leap Since 1980s
The results are in and they are sobering: last year was the largest annual leap in greenhouse gas concentrations (from 2012 to 2013) that we've seen since the 1980s, and continued the…
2013 Año Record en Niveles de Impacto de Gases de Efecto Invernadero sobre la Atmosfera y los Océanos
La Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM) acaba de hacer público su “Boletín sobre Gases de Efecto Invernadero.” Según el Boletín, la concentración de dióxido de carbono, el principal culpable del calentamiento global, se…
Smoke and Mirrors: Wind Turbine Fire Claims Overblown
A recent non-peer reviewed study evaluated the frequency of wind turbine fires around the world. The study found that every year there are approximately 11.7 wind turbine fires that are reported globally.…
Public Shut Out of FPL Rate Increase Deal
The Florida Supreme Court ruled today that a deal struck between industrial users and the states biggest power company, FPL, and approved by the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC), could move forward. The…
Hate that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge wastes water? You're really going to hate this...
SACE staffer Amelia Shenstone contributed to this piece. The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has riveted the country, and it was only a matter of time before people started complaining about the quantity…