
NAACP Releases Coal Blooded Report and Toolkit

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), in conjunction with Little Village Environmental Justice Organization and the Indigenous Environmental Network, released a report analyzing sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen…


The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Mountaintop Removal Coal

Those fighting for the mountains and those who make the mountains their home have won a crucial victory.  On Thursday, November 15, 2012, Patriot Coal became the first U.S. operator to stop…


Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash

Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash from Contaminating Groundwater This blog was originally posted on EcoWatch's website - click here for the original post. On October 10, conservation groups asked the…


Judge Holds TVA Liable For Kingston Disaster

This guest post, written by Lisa Evans with Earthjustice, originally appeared on Earthjustice's blog unEARTHED on August 28, 2012. Read the original post and view the comments here.  Read SACE's official Press…


Senators sell out the public, then go on vacation

This blog is a guest post originally published on EcoWatch. On Aug. 2, twenty four Senators demonstrated their obedience to the coal industry by introducing a new bill that permanently blocks the…


Randy Ellis of TN Speaks Out on EPA Coal Ash Rule Delay

The following is an opinion editorial authored by Randy Ellis and published in the Tennessean on June 20, 2012. Randy is a sixth-generation Roane County resident representing the Harriman, South Harriman, Midtown,…


From Smoke Stacks and Tailpipes to Asthma Attacks and Clean Air Gripes

SACE staffers Anne Blair and Jennifer Rennicks contributed to this post. May is Asthma Awareness month: an opportunity to highlight a serious, chronic respiratory disease that affects the quality of life of nearly…


Protect Families: Stop Toxic Coal Ash From Polluting the Federal Transportation Bill

The following post was authored by Sandra Diaz of Appalachian Voices and originally published on "The Front Porch" on April 24, 2012. West Virginia Rep. David McKinley is a man on a…


Poor, Minority Metro-Atlanta Neighborhoods Attract More Pollution

Examples have shown time and time again that low income and communities of color continue to suffer disproportionate impacts from dirty energy choices here in the Southeast. A new report released by…


New Climate Videos for Latino Communities in Florida

VEA NUESTROS BLOG EN ESPANOL With last month's climate talks in Copenhagen and a reinvigorated international interest in global warming issues, the time is right to expand southeastern engagement and education about…