
New Executive Order Threatens US Progress on Climate Action

Given his appointment of Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - a man with a long history of challenging health-based environmental regulations in court  - President Trump's Energy Independence…


First Government-Owned Plant "Off the Island:" Florida's Coal Plant Reality Show Heats Up

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Southeast states fight to avoid becoming coal ash dumping ground

WRITTEN BY Gillian Neimark, Southeast Energy News. To see the original publication of this article by Southeast Energy News, Click here: https://energynews.us/2017/03/02/southeast/southeast-states-fight-to-avoid-becoming-coal-ash-dumping-ground/


About 200 Georgians Met with Legislators Urging Passage of Critical Coal Ash Legislation

Yesterday, as about 200 Georgians gathered at the Capitol Building, State Representative Jeff Jones (R-Brunswick) filed legislation to address Georgia’s toxic coal ash pollution. H.B. 387 requires utilities to submit a “major…


How Solar Could Help Replace Coal in Central Florida

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Top 3 Coal Ash Stories to Follow in 2017

2017 is shaping up to be an important year for coal ash in the Southeast. There's so much happening at once. As utilities begin closing coal ash pits, communities and advocates are…


What Is Your Electric Utility Planning for its Coal Ash?

Utilities in the Southeast are already starting to "close" toxic coal ash pits. We calculated how much ash will be excavated and how much will be left in mostly unlined pits posing…


Alabama PSC limits public words on energy mix... draw them a picture instead

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Coal ash protesters arrested in Puerto Rico

This post is adapted from a November 23 press release from Ruth Santiago, Esq. and Yvette González Cuascut. 41 people were arrested on Thursday, November 24 and Puerto Ricans continued to march…


"Dirty Dozen" 2016 presents yet another strike against coal-fired Plant Hammond

A new report, released on November 16, explains the concerning weaknesses of Georgia's water pollution permits. When these permits are inevitably strengthened to limit mercury, arsenic, lead, and other toxic discharges from…