
Possible Corruption at the Helm of Proposed Georgia Coal-fired Power Plant

August 17, 2009 Quick Update: Marietta Daily Journal runs an Editorial entitled 'Throw the Rascals Out' in the Around Town section. Read Now. ***************************** A Police Raid of Executive Homes Yield Charges…


Citizens Take Just Say No To Coal to the Streets

On April 20th citizens from across the country descended on Charlotte, North Carolina to deliver a "Call to Conscience" message to Jim Rogers and Duke Energy that construction of the 800 MW…


Economy drives electric power use down in Southeast

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Visualizing The Grid

A fun and informative link on NPR about the grid and power plants. Here's a snip showing coal plants in the Southeast. Visit NPR's site to see more.


With friends like this....

Last Sunday, “60 Minutes”  on CBS aired an interview with Duke Energy’s CEO, Jim Rogers.  I watched the segment again last night, and I wanted to take a minute to reflect on…


Duke Energy CEO and NASA climate scientist featured on "60 Minutes"

In a preview of this Sunday's episode of "60 Minutes," which will feature Duke Energy's CEO and Jim Hansen (NASA's top climate scientist), Sue Sturgis over at the Institute for Southern Studies…


"No we can't" a tired refrain about renewable energy in Georgia

Georgia Public Service Commissioner Stan Wise has already demonstrated that he is uninformed about the state’s renewable energy potential, and I guess today he thought he would remind us.  Commissioner Wise’s pessimistic…


Sen. Alexander's doctored photo distorts the truth

Senator Alexander opened the TVA Congressional Caucus forum on renewable energy last week with a doctored photo criticizing wind energy....


TVA struggling to meet court-ordered clean ups

The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported yesterday that that the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) admits it will be "very difficult, if not impossible" to meet court-ordered pollution controls that would clean up…


Bravo Senators! Thank you for saying no to mountain-top removal mining.

Earlier this week, two United States senators, Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and Benjamin L. Cardin (D-MD), introduced bipartisan legislation to prohibit the dumping of mining waste into streams, effectively ending the practice of…