
A year since the Kingston disaster and still no coal ash regulations

How long will it take before the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lives up to its responsibility to protect human health and the environment?  With respect to coal combustion waste, apparently a little…


Georgia Coops Get It Wrong Again

Another New Coal Plant Proposed in South Georgia by Power4Georgians Power4Georgians is at it again.  Just recently, citizens in Ben Hill County started hearing rumors that Power4Georgians, a consortium made up of…


Out With The Coal, In With The New

Recently in the Southeast we've had some exciting announcements about utility plans to begin retiring and repowering some of their oldest and dirtiest coal plants.  By our estimate, eleven retirements are in…


Copenhagen Close-up: The Danes Show the Path Away from Dirty Coal

This post was co-authored by Ulla Reeves. Today as I flew into Copenhagen, I was struck by two very different views of energy production, the large wind turbines off the Danish coast…


Just How Toxic Was That TVA Coal Ash Disaster?

As we approach the 1 year anniversary of the unprecedented Tennessee Valley Authority coal ash disaster in Kingston, TN, the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) brings us new ground breaking data showing just…


Case Builds Against Plant Washington in Georgia

As we begin to reflect on our 2009 coal challenge in Georgia, it is clear that the opposition to Plant Washington continues to grow and we are confident that in 2010 Power4Georgians, the…


TVA making efforts to keep public engaged in planning process

As you probably know, TVA is currently engaged in a resource planning process that will shape how TVA meets future energy needs in the Tennessee Valley over the next 20 years.  While…


Senator Alexander energy sprawl concept, confused, inaccurate and out of context

Senator Alexander's latest tirade against wind includes the concept of energy sprawl; see an October 5, 2009 press release from his website and this Wall Street Journal article. He has taken a…


Georgia Citizens Voice Opposition to New Coal Plant

Georgia Citizens attended statewide public hearings on Tuesday to voice their opposition to Plant Washington and their frustration with the lack of public opportunity for comment. On Tuesday, Oct. 6th, Georgia citizens…


Duke Wants To Raise Your Bill... For Dirty Coal

Sign NC Conservation Network's Petition Opposing Duke's 18% Rate Increase TODAY! Have you heard the news?  Duke Energy wants to raise customer utility bills... in part to pay for dirty coal.  Throughout…