In Ga Revised Air Permit Fails Again to Protect
This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
Hurricane Irene and its Impact on Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Power
This is the first in a three part series of blogs examining how natural disasters like hurricanes impact our energy generation. Traditional energy resources (nuclear, coal, oil and natural gas) appeared to…
President Obama Abandons Clean Air Standard
President Obama announced today that he is tossing aside a long-anticipated plan to strengthen air quality standards for ozone. In this disappointing move, the Administration claims that rejection of this human health safeguard…
Tr-Ash Talk: State of Failure
The following is a re-post of a piece originally published here and written by Raviya Ismail of Earthjustice. This post reports on the failure of states to properly regulate coal ash and…
Utility CEO Speaks Truth
I wanted to share with you an article I read by Don Shelby of The piece, “Rising from meter-reader to CEO, Xcel’s Dick Kelly has sound perspective on the environment,” is…
Do clean coal proponents actually want clean coal?
There are two facts that the hawkers of "clean coal" don't want you know. First, there is no such thing as clean coal. Second, the salesmen of clean coal would not want…
Co-op members confront EMC on Plant Washington
This post was authored by Eriqah Foreman Williams, former Georgia Coal Diversity Organizer, with input from Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.
EPA Clean Air Rule Changes Name Again, But Still Saves Lives
It was one year ago when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a significant new rule to reduce air pollution from coal-fired power plants. That rule was known as the air pollution…
Want to pay an extra $258 per year for Plant Washington coal power?
Me neither. Unfortunately for ratepayers, a report published by consumer advocate Georgia Watch on June 22 suggests that customers of Power4Georgians member EMCs (Cobb, Central Georgia, Snapping Shoals, Upson and Washington EMC)…
EPA Extends Comment Period for Mercury Rule
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced that it will extend the comment period for its proposed mercury and air toxics rule by 30 days. The comment period opened in the spring…