
Many Coal Plants in the SE are Ripe for Retirement

Today the Union of Concerned Scientists released an important new report entitled "Ripe for Retirement: The Case for Closing America's Costliest Coal Plants", which highlights the financial uncertainty of many coal plants around the…


What Obama Election Means for Coal, Climate Change, and American Energy Future

This blog, entitled "What Obama's Re-Election Means for Coal, Climate Change, and America's Energy Future" was written by Mary Anne Hitt, Director of the Sierra Club's Beyond Coal Campaign, and originally appeared in…


More Tricks than Treats from Coal Industry

In case the horror movies and Hurricane/Frankenstorm Sandy weren’t enough to scare you this Halloween season, a glimpse at the horrors that are unleashed due to the operation of coal fired power…


The War on Coal Decoded

  After learning of the Stop the War on Coal Act, which shockingly passed the House of Representatives a few weeks ago, I began to wonder where all these people (also known as our elected Representatives)…


Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash

Waterkeepers Take Legal Action to Stop Toxic Coal Ash from Contaminating Groundwater This blog was originally posted on EcoWatch's website - click here for the original post. On October 10, conservation groups asked the…


The Silent Epidemic of Health Hazards Caused by Coal

This blog originally appeared on EcoWatch's website and is re-posted with their permission.  The original post can be found here and was authored by the University at Buffalo. Coal kills. That’s the message…


Stop the Madness! U.S. House Passes the Stop the War on Coal Act

“Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made” – John Godfrey Saxe, lawyer/poet. When it comes to one of the newest bills passed by…


The CSAPR Decision and the Dirty Dealings of Utilities

   UPDATE: On Friday, Oct. 5, 2012, the Environmental Protection Agency asked a federal court to rehear its case for the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule - click here to read more.  To see…


How Cheap Is Coal?

Remember when coal was king? Just a few years ago the consensus was that coal was cheap and abundant and would remain that way for the foreseeable future. Today, though, coal prices…


Judge Holds TVA Liable For Kingston Disaster

This guest post, written by Lisa Evans with Earthjustice, originally appeared on Earthjustice's blog unEARTHED on August 28, 2012. Read the original post and view the comments here.  Read SACE's official Press…