
Who made Georgia's Dirty Dozen list? Coal and nuclear plants, that's who!

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Five years since Kingston: Communities still waiting for solutions

Six weeks from now marks the fifth anniversary of the Kingston coal ash disaster, one of the worst environmental catastrophes in American history. In the coming weeks, we will post a series of blogs…


Big Coal Retirements Announced at TVA Board of Directors Meeting

At today's Board of Directors' meeting in Oxford, MS, TVA announced that it will be retiring 3,308 MWs of coal capacity from 3 plants.  SACE welcomes this announcement as it signals a…


A Very Scary Coal Ash Story

Looking for a scary Halloween story? Well you’ve come to the right place for a tale that will chill your bones and leave you questioning all you once thought true. While your…


Protecting our kids: Asheville residents call for limits to carbon pollution

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


TVA Five Years Later - Lessons Not Learned

This Guest Post was written by Lisa Evans, Senior Administrative Counsel for Policy and Legislation at Earthjustice, and originally appeared on Earthjustice's blog unEARTHED.  You can access the original blog here.  Angela Garrone, SACE's Southeast…


Southeast Coal Ash Summit

On September 27, after months of planning by SACE and our partners, we hosted the first ever Southeast Coal Ash Summit. This event brought over 70 concerned citizens, environmental and public health…


Closing Coal Plants - A Billion Dollar Industry

According to a new report, closing and decommissioning coal plants will account for a multibillion dollar industry by the end of the decade.  New research by Navigant Research asserts that between now and…


Southeast Coal Roundup - Duke and Other Southeast Utilities

Across our region, utilities are announcing idling or retirement of their older, uncontrolled coal units and embracing futures with less coal and more renewables in their long term generation planning.  First we…


EPA Announces Limits to Greenhouse Gas Emissions on New Power Plants

This Guest Post was written by Laura Beans and was originally posted on EcoWatch.com The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced proposed carbon emissions standards for new power plants [on Friday, Sept. 20].…