
2013: The Year in Review

Seasons greetings from all of us here at SACE!  Before we take some time to enjoy the holiday season, we wanted to pause and celebrate our accomplishments over the last year.  We…


Five years since Kingston: Perry County, Alabama's Toxic Tragedy

This week marks the fifth anniversary of the Kingston coal ash spill, one of the worst environmental disasters in American history. In the weeks leading up to the anniversary, we have been posting a series…


Privatizing Bellefonte: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

You might think that if some prominent power brokers pitched a plan that promised to shut down more than twenty coal-fired power plants owned by the Tennessee Valley Authority, that an organization…


Sutton Case Study: Coal Ash Harms and Kills Fish

A new study released on December 3, 2013, shows that toxic coal ash from Duke Energy's L.V. Sutton Power Station is seriously harming fish and wildlife in Lake Sutton, a popular fishing…


Many Coal Plants in the Southeast STILL Ripe for Retirement

The Union of Concerned Scientists(UCS) recently released an update to their existing report that identifies many coal units in the Southeast as "Ripe for Retirement."   UCS re-analyzed the economics of operating coal…


Alabama Power distracts from real issues at informal hearing

On December 10, the Alabama Public Service Commission (PSC) conducted an “informal public hearing” regarding Alabama Power’s capital expenditures for environmental compliance. The three-and-a-half hour hearing effectively demonstrated Alabama’s systemic failure to…


Five years since Kingston: Cane Run, Kentucky still waiting for solutions

Two weeks from now marks the fifth anniversary of the Kingston coal ash spill, one of the worst environmental disasters in American history. In the weeks leading up to the anniversary, we are posting a…


Alabama Coal Association Whines About Losing in the Free Market

In a letter dated December 9th to Senator Richard Shelby, the Alabama Coal Association has called for an investigation of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and other environmental groups, complaining that we…


Five years since Kingston: Juliette, Georgia still waiting for solutions

Four weeks from now marks the fifth anniversary of the Kingston coal ash spill, one of the worst environmental disasters in American history. Leading up to the anniversary we are  posting a series of blogs…


Santee Cooper Leads South in Cleaning Up Coal Ash Waste

For almost half a century Santee Cooper dumped coal ash in unlined pits at its Grainger Power Station in Conway, South Carolina. This ash pollutes the Waccamaw River with high levels of arsenic…