
What the Clean Power Plan Means for the Southeast

On Wednesday, June 18, the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan was published in the Federal Register, officially starting the 120-day comment period.  Released on June 2, the Clean Power Plan…


SACE Meets with EPA on New Carbon Rule

A handful of advocates from the Southeast traveled to Atlanta on Thursday June 12th to meet with officials from the EPA’s Region 4 office.  SACE was joined by other regional advocates Greenlaw, Southern…


Coal Ash Legal Fight Moves to Florida

With all the news following the Dan River coal ash disaster this February, it may seem that North Carolina is the only Southeastern state with coal ash woes. Unfortunately, there are plenty…


Coal Ash Still Has North Carolina Stumped

In our work to promote clean, healthy and safe energy choices in the Southeast, Southern Alliance for Clean Energy tackles some pretty complex issues; from the big-picture question of how to reduce our…


The EPA market manipulation switcheroo

This guest blog was written by Tyson Slocum, the director of Public Citizen's Energy Program, and was originally published on May 30 in The Hill. There is a long history of using Environmental Protection Agency…


Carbon Regulation for Existing Coal Plants On the Horizon

In less than a week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will unveil its first ever carbon pollution standards for existing coal-fired power plants.  These proposed standards are expected to be released on…


A Mother's Missive: Asthmatic Children, Bad Air Days and Carbon Pollution

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


5 Ways Tennessee Can Reduce its Power Plant Emissions

This guest blog was written by Michael Obeiter, Kristin Meek and Rebecca Gasper of the World Resources Institute (WRI).  The original post can be found here. A new WRI analysis finds that Tennessee can…


Breaking News: Supreme Court Upholds EPA's Cross-State Air Pollution Rule!

After a trip through the United States' court system that brought it all the way to the Supreme Court, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) friendly ghost of interstate air pollution is alive…


Pressure Mounts for Duke Energy Coal Ash Cleanup

Since the Dan River coal ash disaster began, North Carolina seems to have become the epicenter in the fight to clean up coal ash dumpsites. All eyes are on Duke Energy and…