
Oh Say Can You See? Air Pollution and the Smoky Mountains

Back in 1990, average visibility in the Smoky Mountains was just 25 miles. Since then, reductions in air pollution have made it possible for visitors to see as far as 46 miles.…


Buenos Dias, D.C. — Una Introducción a los Peligros de las Cenizas de Carbón (an Introduction to the Dangers of Coal Ash)

  Este artículo fue publicado originalmente por Earthjustice. Betsy López-Wagner es secretaria de prensa bilingüe en Earthjustice. Trabaja en la oficina en San Francisco, California. Es periodista y consumada experta de comunicaciones, Betsy tiene…


Another hurdle for “dormant” Plant Washington

Katherine Helms Cummings leads the fight to stop Plant Washington from her home in Washington County, Georgia. She is Executive Director of the Fall-Line Alliance for a Clean Environment (FACE) and writes…


Final Clean Power Plan Safeguards Public Health and Spurs Clean Energy Growth

On Monday, President Obama announced the release of the finalized Clean Power Plan, our nation's first regulations to limit carbon pollution from existing fossil-fueled power plants. The Clean Power Plan, as crafted…


Obama threatens to veto bill that would undermine EPA coal ash rule

Today, the U.S. House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on H.R. 1734, a dangerous bill that threatens the health and safety of communities here in the Southeast and across the country. Rep.…


Protecting Florida's Apalachicola River from Coal Ash Pollution

This post was authored by David Guest, Managing Attorney for the Florida office of Earthjustice, a public-interest law firm that represented SACE and our allies in this case. It was originally posted…


Supreme Court Mercury Decision Not a Real Game Changer

In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States sent the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Mercury Air Toxics Standard (MATS) rule back to a lower court for review. Justice Scalia…


First Legal Challenge to the Clean Power Plan Dismissed

Today, the DC Circuit dismissed the first legal challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan. The lawsuit, filed by the coal industry and several coal dependent states, claimed that EPA…


Uniontown, AL: Community with civil rights legacy demanding justice

Uniontown, Alabama is located in Perry County, a part of the South with a vibrant civil rights history. Not only was Perry County the home of both civil rights martyr Jimmie Lee…


3 Ways to clean up the Asheville coal retirement

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy with contributions from former SACE staffers Toni Nelson and Amelia Shenstone.