
State Clean Energy Rankings: Southeast Lagging Behind

After investigating a range of factors in technology, policy, and capital, a new report on United States Clean Energy leadership evaluates and ranks each state for status and developments in clean technology…


From Smoke Stacks and Tailpipes to Asthma Attacks and Clean Air Gripes

SACE staffers Anne Blair and Jennifer Rennicks contributed to this post. May is Asthma Awareness month: an opportunity to highlight a serious, chronic respiratory disease that affects the quality of life of nearly…


$6 Per Gallon Gasoline

As gasoline prices continue to rise across the country, and analysts predict $5 or $6 gasoline in the near future, people are wagging fingers and looking for relief at the pump. The last time gasoline prices…


Is the Electric Car Getting Its Revenge?

Anne Blair, SACE's clean fuels and bioenergy program manager, contributed to this post. I recently watched Revenge of the Electric Car (now available on DVD, Netflix, and Hulu), the new account of…


Obama calls oil a fuel of the past while visiting the Tarheel State

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Well, Is Bioenergy Carbon Neutral Or Not?

I admit it. I've been impatient. For about two years now I've been carping to anyone who will listen that we don't have sufficient scientific studies here in the Southeast to truly…


Transportation Bill is Bad Drilling Policy

  This post was co-authored by Simon Mahan and Jennifer Rennicks. Last week’s passage of the U.S. House of Representatives' transportation bill deserves a brief mention on the blog today if for…


Update: U.S. Announces New Climate Change Initiative

UPDATED 4/27/12:  This week, the international Climate and Clean Air Coalition that we wrote about previously (see below) adopted five initiatives for action, including "Fast action on diesel emissions including from heavy…


Landmark Clean Cars Rule Will Drive Electric Vehicles

  SACE has reported frequently over the past several months about the The EV Project in Tennessee and the ever growing number of charging stations popping up around the region. We've heard…


Returning Home in the EV, Priceless

OK. I must admit I hate driving but the LEAF has made driving fun again. If you have been following our little holiday adventure and the learning experience  we had, you will be…