
Electric Vehicles Are Driving Rates Down

This guest blog post from NRDC analyzes a recent study that demonstrated that electric vehicle customers are not being subsidized by other customers and, in fact, are putting downward pressure on rates.…


49 Southeast Communities Join Hands Against Offshore Drilling

Last Saturday, 49 communities along the Southeast coast hosted Hands Across the Sand events to advocate for clean energy instead of offshore drilling. Hands Across the Sand events bring community members together…


Energy Bill Package in Nashville Could Be A Step To #RenewTN

This blog post was written by Jason Carney, former Clean Energy Program Manager with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Update: The bills passed on June 4, 2019.


Our 1,350-Mile Tesla Road Trip from Tampa Bay to Knoxville (and back again!)

This blog was written by Kelsey Grentzer, former Florida Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. When the topic of electric vehicle (EV) road trips comes up, we inevitably get…


Making the Case for EVs

This is the first in a series of blogs that will explore the various aspects of the quickly growing Electric Vehicle market and its implications on the transportation sector, energy sector, and…


Trump Offshore Drilling Plan On Indefinite Hold

The Trump Administration’s offshore drilling expansion plan is reportedly on indefinite hold, according to U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt’s comments to the Wall Street Journal earlier today. The hold is due to…


Drive Electric Earth Day Events

Drive Electric Earth Day is a national campaign to share information about electric vehicles. Join us at an event to learn how electric vehicles (EVs) are less expensive to drive, more convenient…


Electric Vehicles Drive Down Offshore Oil: 2019 Edition

Our oceans are at risk from oil companies and politicians trying to expand offshore drilling to treasured places where drilling doesn’t belong. Currently, the Trump Administration is proposing to expand offshore drilling…


Recap from Capitol Electric Vehicle (EV Day in Georgia)

Capitol EV Day has been established as an opportunity for EV owners and supporters to urge legislators to support expanded electric transportation throughout Georgia.


Duke Energy Proposes $76 Million for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure in North Carolina

Duke Energy has asked the North Carolina Utility Commission to approve a $76 million electric vehicle pilot program, which would dramatically increase the number of charging stations in North Carolina.