Last night, two more South Carolina bodies of government–the City of Columbia and Charleston County–went on the record against offshore drilling and seismic testing by passing resolutions of opposition. Both Councils passed the resolutions unanimously. The Town of McClellanville passed a similar resolution Monday night. The passage of this week’s resolutions is a trend confirming how South Carolinian communities feel about the issue. A total of 15 South Carolina local governments have now formally opposed offshore drilling and/or seismic airgun testing, including Columbia, Charleston County, McClellanville, Georgetown, Isle of Palms, Sullivans Island, Charleston, James Island, Folly Beach, Seabrook, Rockville, Edisto Beach, Beaufort, Port Royal, and Hilton Head Island. Additionally, the James Island Public Service District and the South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce have also formally opposed offshore drilling and seismic airgun testing.
Last night’s resolutions are significant, because Columbia is the first non-coastal municipality in South Carolina to pass such a resolution as well as being the capital city, while Charleston County is the first county government in South Carolina to pass such a resolution. Additionally, Charleston County covers 97 miles of coastline–half of South Carolina’s total coastline–and is the largest county in the state.
Governor Haley and our legislators should be listening to what their constituents are saying and ask the federal government to cancel plans for seismic airgun testing and offshore drilling in the South Atlantic. Congressman Mark Sanford, in a show of true representative democracy, has listened to his constituents and opposed offshore drilling and seismic airgun testing, announcing his firm position at a press conference along Shem Creek her Charleston, S.C. last week.

To show our thanks to the local governments that have passed resolutions opposing offshore drilling, we are inviting representatives from these governments to come to the Hands Across the Sand events happening along the SC coast on Saturday, May 16. Please consider joining us at Folly Beach, Myrtle Beach, Garden City, or Hunting Island or at the dozens of events in other coastal Southeast states to show appreciation to those who have shown leadership, while calling for others to follow suit. More information at http://handsacrossthesand.org. #dontdrillSC