
Open Letter to Sens. Corker and Alexander on TVA Board Nominations

Update: On February 7, 2013 the organizations on this letter received a response from Senator Corker's office; the letter can be viewed here. We have still received no response from Senator Alexander's…


Chasing Ice: A Cinematic View of Climate Change

SACE staff member Kacy Rohn contributed to this post. A new documentary on the melting of glacial ice is making waves at film festivals and around the environmental community.  The award-winning Chasing…


Controversial Former Progress Energy CEO Appointed to Head TVA

Today’s appointment of former Progress Energy CEO William Johnson as the new CEO of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) is raising the eyebrows of clean energy advocates across the region, including here…


Global Warming Matters This Election, Stupid

This blog is the third in a series of blogs examining the impacts of Hurricane Sandy and its connections to extreme weather and climate change. Other blogs can be read here. Once…


Customers should not pay costs of Florida Power and Lights nuclear plant expansion

This post originally appeared in the Palm Beach Post on October 3, 2012. Read the post and view the comments here. A misguided state law that allows large utilities to charge consumers…


Fossil Fueled Extreme Weather and the Executives of Climate Change

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0NrS2L6KcE “Welcome to the rest of our lives.” This is a quote from an interview with Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, as he describes the extreme weather we are experiencing with rapidly…


Just Another Two Billion Dollars Between Friends

Under the leadership duo of Bill Sansom's tenure as the Tennessee Valley Authority's Board Chairman and Tom Kilgore's years as CEO, we have witnessed some of the largest financial mistakes ever made in the…


Remembering Fukushima One Year Later

The tragic natural disasters that struck Japan on March 11, 2011 -- a massive earthquake and horrifying tsunami -- forever changed the lives for tens of thousands of Japanese, killing more than…


SACE Solar PV Installation Goes LIVE

  This blog was co-written by SACE's Renewable Energy Director, Maria Hubert. After a year of working hard on energy efficiency improvements, our Knoxville, TN office is now officially solar-powered!  KUB, our…


Georgia Consumer Choice Bill Would Boost Economic Opportunities

Georgia Power and Southern Company are up to their dirty tricks again, this time blocking the development of clean renewable energy and using their monopoly power to hold Georgia economic development back!…