
Alabama Coal Association Whines About Losing in the Free Market

In a letter dated December 9th to Senator Richard Shelby, the Alabama Coal Association has called for an investigation of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and other environmental groups, complaining that we…


Net Metering: Reverse Robin Hood...Really?

I just returned from the 125th Annual Meeting of NARUC, the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners, held this year in Orlando, FL.  The agenda touched on a vast range of issues…


Dr. Marilyn Brown Reappointed After Unnecessary and Petty Delay

This week we received welcome news that Dr. Marilyn Brown had been reappointed to the TVA Board.  This re-appointment concludes a lengthy process that was delayed by some petty moves by our…


Squirrels Are Driving Me And The Utilities Nuts

So I've never really thought of squirrels as being a major nuisance (some out there do, see N.A.D.S.: North American Defense against Squirrels) but this summer, my neighborhood squirrels seemed to have it…


Sharp Manufacturing Jobs at Solar Facility in Memphis

Last week I had the pleasure of touring the Sharp Manufacturing Company of America’s Memphis, TN facility with a few members of SACE staff.  Having used Sharp solar panels for both our…


Obama Speech Connects Climate to Responsible Parenting

"I refuse to condemn...future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing." President Obama, June 25, 2013 President Obama’s speech today was a welcome outline of the additional actions this administration will take…


TVA Continues to Mismanage Solar Power

Charlie Coggeshall, SACE Renewable Energy Manager, also contributed to this post. Last month the Tennessee Valley Authority proudly announced what they considered to be good news: That their 2013 Green Power Provider…


SACE Solar Array Shines In Its First Year

Just over a year ago we made the decision to continue to practice what we preach with the installation and activation of our own solar photovoltaic array at our Knoxville, TN office. …


Embracing and Integrating Diversity at SACE

To bring the Southeast closer to a clean energy future, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy recognizes that this critical transition must be equitable and afford all people and communities access to…


What Government Can Do Now

What do the five largest U.S. coal companies, five largest U.S. utilities, five largest U.S. auto manufacturers, leading environmental organizations and labor unions representing over 14 million Americans all have in common?…