
SACE is carbon neutral

SACE is officially certified as "carbon neutral" after working to lower its carbon footprint and offset 100% of its carbon emissions. SACE’s first priority is to invest in office energy efficiency improvements,…


Copenhagen Close-up: Denmark’s Thrifty Use of Bioenergy

This post was co-authored by John Bonitz “We do need a 'new economy,' but one that is founded on thrift and care, on saving and conserving, not on excess and waste. An…


Copenhagan Close-Up: Black Carbon - small particle, big problem

This post was co-authored by John Wilson, Laura Wilson and Anne Blair Being so close to the Arctic here in Copenhagen, I have been listening carefully to what people have to say…


Live from Copenhagen: So The Climate Talks Are Winding Down

So the Climate talks are winding down, leaders of National governments are leaving town, including President Obama, it's approaching midnight here in Copenhagen and I don’t believe we have a clear understanding…


Copenhagen Close-up: Electric Vehicles a Climate Key for Denmark and the Southeast

The blogpost is co-authored by Anne Blair While all eyes are focused on the commitments the U.S. and other world leaders may make during the climate change negotiations in Copenhagan later this…


Live in Copenhagen: Rep. Blackburn plays politics at the expense of the planet

It was with great disappointment that I watched the congresswoman’s republican response to the President's weekly radio address last Saturday. She is now in Copenhagen as part of the U.S. Congressional Delegation. Her…


Copenhagen Close-up: How Offshore Wind is Powering a Nation

This blogpost was co-authored by Rita Kilpatrick and Brandon Blevins Imagine a society that draws on the power of the wind to generate a significant portion of its electricity.  I’m seeing firsthand…


Copenhagen Close-up: The Danes Show the Path Away from Dirty Coal

This post was co-authored by Ulla Reeves. Today as I flew into Copenhagen, I was struck by two very different views of energy production, the large wind turbines off the Danish coast…


The Last Decade

As Jen and I prepare to head over to Copenhagen Friday, this article caught my eye: "Decade of 2000s was warmest ever, scientists say." Also, our friends at National Wildlife Federation and…


Drill Baby Drill the Right Way

Would you believe that an environmental advocate hired a drill rig to help reduce global warming pollution? No, I wasn't drilling for oil or gas, or burying my carbon dioxide (hmmm). I…