
Who is advancing to General Election Day in Knoxville?

Eddie Mannis and Indya Kincannon advance to the General Election Day on November 5th. Where do these Knoxville mayoral candidates stand on clean energy issues in Knoxville?


TVA Board votes to keep rates flat, but customer bills could still rise

Board of Directors approved TVA's budget and long-term resource plan today. The budget stops annual rate increases, at least in the near term, but does not address high bills. The resource plan…


KUB Freezes the Fees... For Now

Yesterday, the Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) previewed a budget forecast that did not include further increases to the basic mandatory charge or fixed fee portion of customers electric bills for at least…


City Council puts Knoxville on the map with passing of carbon goals

On Tuesday, Knoxville’s City Council unanimously voted to pass carbon reduction goals that puts the Scruffy City on the map for addressing climate change.


Are electric utilities living up to their promises to cut carbon emissions?

New report uses historical carbon emissions and planned generation to answer the question of whether the Southeast power sector is on track to decarbonize at a rate adequate enough to mitigate the…


Knoxville Mayor Candidates Debate Future of Energy in the City

The #RenewTN movement proved that it is growing –– as the largest crowd yet to assemble in the Knoxville mayoral campaign gathered to hear candidates’ plans on addressing energy issues that affect…


TVA releases final long-term resource plan, and we are underwhelmed

TVA fails to deliver on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and transparency in their final IRP. But most of all, it fails its customers.


Should we mourn the Clean Power Plan?

The Clean Power Plan would have made a difference in the Southeast. It would have driven significant emission reductions. This blog was originally published on June 18, 2019 and has been updated…


Knoxville proposes new Greenhouse Gas Emission Goals

US cities are taking action to address the climate crisis. Knoxville, Tennessee recently unveiled goals to cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). Here we review those goals, how they could affect the Scruffy…


Four Southeast Utility Regulators to Watch

E&E News published an interesting article yesterday on state energy regulators that are "shaking things up," and four of them hail from Southeast states. We recognize the four regulators highlighted below, do…