
SACE and Coalition Partners Submit Carbon Plan to North Carolina Utilities Commission

SACE and co-intervenors submitted a plan that the NCUC could take to achieve its North Carolina carbon reduction mandates. Independent expert analysis shows that investments in energy efficiency, solar, and storage can…


TVA issues request for carbon-free energy proposals

On July 12, 2022, the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) issued a request for proposals (RFP) for up to 5 GW of carbon-free electric capacity to potentially connect to the TVA grid by…


Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: 2022 Annual Update

Climate science shows we must achieve net-zero GHG emissions between 2040-2055 to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees C and avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.


10 Key Questions to Ask as Memphis Considers Future of Electricity Supply

On June 9 Memphis City Council will join the Memphis Light, Gas, and Water (MLGW) Board of Commissioners for a joint meeting to hear a presentation summarizing the proposals MLGW has received…


Highlights from the Florida PSC's Ten Year Site Plan Workshop

Update: on July 11, 2022, FPL withdrew its extreme winter peak demand proposal from consideration after pushback from the Office of Public Counsel, Commission staff, and Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and…


Overview of Duke's Proposed NC Carbon Plan

On May 16, 2022, Duke Energy submitted its proposal for a Carbon Plan to meet goals legislated by HB 951 to the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Here is a summary of what…


TVA plans to replace Cumberland coal plant with another fossil fuel

In 2021 TVA announced it would shutter the Cumberland coal plant. Last week, TVA proposed to lock customers into paying for fossil gas to replace it, without fully exploring efficiency and renewable…


U.S. Senate to hold hearing on Biden-appointed TVA Board nominees on April 6

This Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at 2:30 PM ET, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing to review three nominations to the Tennessee Valley Authority's Board of Directors.…


NC Carbon Plan Update: We Cannot Get Off Track Before We Even Begin

The NCUC must finalize its Carbon Plan by the end of 2022. Here's a summary of the process so far, and some key ways it appears to be breaking down.


TVA Utility Customers Appeal FERC's Decision Preventing Access to TVA's Transmission

Two TVA local power companies have filed an appeal to the DC Circuit Court after a decision by federal regulators blocked their ability to fairly access TVA's transmission system.