
Duke’s Carbon Plan: Part 1 -- Too Risky, According to Experts

Advocates outline risks of North Carolina Utilities Commission approval of Duke’s rigid, outdated resource plan proposal.


FERC Puts the "Planning" in Regional Transmission Planning in the Southeast

Today the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a rule through Order 1920 that will bring regional transmission planning into the modern era. This rule is a particularly big deal for the…


Historic Federal Rules Will Curb Dangerous Power Plant Pollution

Today, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under President Biden’s leadership released an important set of pollution limitations for power plants that will improve people’s health and help preserve a stable climate. Specifically,…


Biden's Hand-picked Regulators Okay Most Anti-Climate Utility Plan in Country

The federally-owned electric utility TVA has taken a key step toward a huge expansion of fossil fuel infrastructure over the next few years.


EPA to TVA: Review is Inadequate, More Transparency Needed

EPA states that TVA's environmental review of replacing the Kingston coal plant with new fossil gas pipeline and power plants is inadequate, and a supplemental review with more transparency is needed.


Call "Natural" Gas what it is: a Fossil Fuel

The Term "Natural Gas" is a Misnomer "Natural gas is a fossil fuel energy source." This is the first line of the U.S. Energy Information Administration's page defining "natural" gas. The fuel…


TVA: NEPA is Not a Stand-in for Public Input in an IRP

While TVA's IRP is not exempt from NEPA review, TVA can and should have a separate public, accessible, and transparent process for its IRPs.


TVA, Our Nation's Largest "Public" Utility Has The Least Public Planning Process

TVA's Board of Directors refused to hold a public hearing on TVA's 2024 draft IRP, so we held our own.


Winter Storm Blackouts - Reflections from a Year Later

Southeast utilities are using the specter of blackouts last year to double down on the resource that failed customers the most: gas. Instead utilities should look to energy efficiency, solar and storage,…


Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: 2023 Update

Climate science shows we must achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions between 2040-2055 to limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid the worst impacts of the climate crisis.