
Climate Change is Risky for Business in the Southeast

Yesterday, a new report was released from the Risky Business Project about the economic threats to the Southeastern U.S. posed by climate change. The report, titled, Come Heat and High Water, highlights that the…


Charleston's Climate Vulnerabilities Highlighted on PBS NewsHour

A segment on Thursday evening's PBS NewsHour took a good look at Charleston, South Carolina, and its state of preparedness for sea level rise from climate change. The segment brought up a…


The 15-Year Global Warming Hiatus Debunked

A new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) affirms that the globe has indeed been warming quickly in recent decades, in spite of arguments to the contrary. In fact,…


Wave of South Carolina Communities Opposes Offshore Drilling

Last night, two more South Carolina bodies of government--the City of Columbia and Charleston County--went on the record against offshore drilling and seismic testing by passing resolutions of opposition. Both Councils passed…


Congressman Sanford Stands With the Coast, Rejects Offshore Drillling This Morning

This morning, Congressman Mark Sanford hosted a press conference where he clearly announced firm opposition to offshore drilling and exploration for oil and gas off the Atlantic coast, thus aligning  with the sentiment…


Could States Benefit From Revenue Sharing in the Atlantic?

To commemorate the 5th anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy and in the lead up to Hands Across the Sand on May 16, SACE is publishing a blog series highlighting some of…


Charleston, SC Says No To Offshore Drilling and Seismic Testing

Last night, the City Council of Charleston, South Carolina passed a resolution to oppose offshore drilling and seismic testing in the Atlantic. The resolution is timely as the U.S. Department of Interior…


One Step Forward, Two Steps Back? Southern Company Funds Climate Denial Machine

A story broke in the New York Times last week that reveals that Atlanta-based utility giant Southern Company has paid a significant sum of money supporting one of the most prominent climate denying scientists.…


Black History Month Energy Champions: Rev. Leo Woodberry Fights for Climate Justice and Energy Equity

In honor of Black History Month, SACE is publishing a blog series highlighting the efforts of African American leaders working to ensure that clean energy opportunities are available for all people and…


Sign Up Today to Protect Our Coast from Offshore Drilling

Today, registration officially opens for the 6th annual Hands Across the Sand, taking place this year on Saturday, May 16. Hands Across the Sand is the annual grassroots day of action in…