
Green Spirit Awards: Rock Hill, SC Brewery Turns Sun Into Beer

This is the second post in our Green Spirit Awards monthly blog series, highlighting breweries, wineries and distilleries in the Southeast using clean energy to create tasty, sustainable beverages. You can read…


Coastal voices win out over Big Oil’s influence as plans for Atlantic drilling are cancelled

Today is a a day to celebrate. The Obama Administration has chosen to side with the interests of citizens, small businesses, and coastal communities over the influence of Big Oil and has…


What Presidential Candidates Said About Climate Change in the Florida Debates This Week

The hosts of this week's presidential debates in Miami did a service to the people of Florida by listening to the call of the 21 Florida mayors who requested the moderators to…


Florida Communities Want to Talk Climate in the Presidential Debates

UPDATE, March 11: Questions on climate change were posed in both the Democratic and Republican debates this week. See the details on our blog post here. Sea level rise is contributing to…


Big Solar Brightens Up South Carolina Economy

Adger Solar's two new solar power projects in South Carolina have made it into the public eye as they undergo local government review. We anticipate that these projects will deliver roughly 80…


Honoring Black History Month and the Path Towards Energy Justice: Creating a Climate for Change

This is the fifth and final post in our 2016 Black History Month blog series honoring advocates and highlighting opportunities to advance energy justice. To read other blogs in this series, click…


Sign Up Today To Take A Stand Against Offshore Drilling

Are you opposed to offshore drilling off the Atlantic and Florida Gulf coasts? Then sign up today for Hands Across the Sand 2016! Today is Hands 2016 launch day, which means that…


SACE Releases New Video on Atlantic Offshore Drilling

Yesterday, SACE released a new video highlighting the case against Atlantic offshore drilling and the growing bi-partisan movement against it. Check out the video below and if you agree that we should…


Taking the fight against Atlantic offshore drilling to Washington

Greetings from the nation’s capital! I am in Washington, D.C. on a trip to talk with Congressmen and Senators from South Carolina about the need to protect the Southeast coast from the…


Offsetting Natural Gas with Solar at the SC Court of Appeals

Last Thursday, SACE and partner groups Coastal Conservation League and Southern Environmental Law Center, were at the South Carolina Court of Appeals to continue trying to save electric customers money and reduce…