Last month President Obama asked Congress to cap global warming pollution through market-based legislation, and our leaders in Congress have set an ambitious timeline to begin doing just that. As Congress and President Obama move forward to put a cap on global warming pollution, there are numerous details that must be worked out. It’s important that those details reflect a set of core principles that are necessary for effective climate policy.
On March 5, SACE joined a broad coalition of more than 50 environmental, consumer advocate, faith-based and other groups in responding to the President’s appeal and supporting Congress’ current task. The coalition published a set of principles for global warming legislation called the National Call to Action on Global Warming. These principles outline a plan that reduces our global warming pollution, protects consumers and renews our economy.
Examples of the principles begin with the need for science-based action. The action we take to reduce our global warming pollution must be prudent and commensurate with the need. However, our action must also be efficient and equitable, achieved through policies that protect the most vulnerable communities and do not disproportionately affect others. The policies we choose must help capture historic economic opportunities as we prevent dangerous climate change. We can launch a clean tech revolution and transition to a clean energy economy, creating jobs and economic development while significantly reducing our global warming pollution.
We have an important and narrow opportunity to reverse the climate’s dangerous trajectory. Congress and President Obama must take strong action to cap our pollution, but it must be done thoughtfully so we get it right the first time.
Click here to find out how you and your organization can help promote these principles for an effective, efficient and equitable approach to reducing our global warming pollution.