
Massive Iceberg Calves, Reminding Us Of Ever-Increasing Temps

This week, the world witnessed the calving (or breaking off) of an iceberg so enormous even scientists, not prone to exaggeration, are proclaiming it rare. The Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica…


President Trump Threatens America's Shores

Last week, the Trump Administration pushed its careless agenda to threaten America's shores with risky offshore drilling despite overwhelming opposition from coastal Republicans and Democrats alike. The announcement came in the form…


Trump Can’t Stop This: Climate Action in the Southeast

This is a guest post co-written by Kevin Steinberger and Elisheva Mittelman with NRDC. It is the third blog in a series, highlighting the clean energy achievements and climate action continuing across the United States―despite the…


Interview: A Groundbreaking Plan to "Drawdown" Greenhouse Gas

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Declaring Energy Independence In Your Home

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


North Carolina Proposes Wind Farm Ban, Defies Department of Defense

This blog was written by Simon Mahan, former Energy Policy Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


New Analysis Begs The Question: Is Vogtle Project Too Costly To Complete?

In advance of the Thursday, June 29, 2017 hearing on the 16th semi-annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring (VCM) review before the Georgia Public Service Commission, we wanted to share this timely guest blog.…


For Florida Businesses, Going Solar is a Money Saver

This blog was written by Alissa Schafer, former Solar Policy & Communications Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Ready for 100? Solar Sunrise Calls for More Clean Energy

This is a guest post written by Emily Gorman.


South Carolina Electric Cooperatives Report Stunning $8.9 Billion Already Sunk into Troubled VC Summer Nuclear Reactor Construction Project

This post is a press release distributed by Friends of the Earth on June 15, 2017. For questions or media inquiries, contact Tom Clements, Senior Adviser to Friends of the Earth, tel.…