
Nuclear cancellation fallout in South Carolina

SACE intern Kailie Melchior contributed to this post. The last few days have been a whirlwind in South Carolina's energy realm with the announcement that major utilities are abandoning the under-construction nuclear…


Walking in Memphis—Just Feet Above a Coal Ash Cesspool

This guest blog by Lisa Evans, Sr. Administrative Counsel at Earthjustice, is re-posted from July 19, 2017. The original appears here. Memphis residents now have another reason to sing the blues. Last…


Utilities Knew: Documenting Electric Utilities’ Early Knowledge and Ongoing Deception on Climate Change From 1968-2017

This is a guest blog from the Energy & Policy Institute, originally published HERE. Scientists had begun to warn electric utilities about climate change by 1968, and by 1988 the industry’s official…


New Climate Movie Great Way To Inspire Action

An Inconvenient Truth, released in 2006, was the first major Hollywood film about climate change and was undoubtedly a turning point in the American story of climate action. The movie, a double…


History in Florida: Ladies & Gentlemen Start Your Engines, The Solar Race Has Begun

This is a guest blog by Delany Reynolds student activist and founder of MiamiSeaRise.com


Seeking Southern Climate Champs - Are You In?

This blog entry was written by Allie Brown, former Clean Energy Advocacy Manager at SACE.


A Penny Shared is a Penny Used to Lift Energy Burdens in Memphis

As temperatures begin creeping above 100 degrees and air conditioners strain to keep homes and businesses cool, Memphis Light, Gas and Water (MLGW) kicked off its official roll out period for its…


"Theater of the Absurd" underway with Georgia's nuclear power expansion

At the end of June the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) held a hearing on the 16th semi-annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring (VCM) review docket. Numerous public witnesses from around Georgia came to…


FPL has a "great" nuclear reactor deal for you! Interested?

Hey FPL customers, your monopoly utility claims to have a “great” deal for you!           The Art of the Steal FPL plans to build 2 nuclear reactors, but…


Entering the World of Electric Vehicles

This is a guest post written by Samantha Beharrysingh, who is an active member of the Blue Ridge EV Club. To view the original post, click here: https://blueridgeevclub.com/blog/entering-the-world-of-evs