
Tesla Model 3 – Four Day Test Drive Review

This blog was written by Jeff Cohen, Founder, Atlanta Electric Vehicle Development Coalition and Georgia EVentures, LLC and Treasurer of EV Club of the South. Jeff currently owns a Tesla Model S.


FPL's Turkey Point Costs Hit Customers; Lawsuit Moves Forward

One month ago the Florida Public Service Commission, the agency that regulates the state’s biggest power companies, approved FPL’s request to charge customer for the costs to clean-up an underground contamination plume…


Statement to KUB: We Deserve a Clean Bill, Reduce These Fixed Fees

Today, I had the opportunity to speak before the KUB Commission (link to Facebook Live at KUB headquarters), sharing my thoughts on a very important issue we are facing - fixed, mandatory charges…


Staff Update: SACE fighting rate hikes and hidden charges at KUB!

SACE Executive Director Dr. Stephen Smith is at the KUB board meeting in Knoxville to fight rate hikes and hidden charges!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC92hhxlJzg


Solar Course Correction from Central Georgia EMC

This blog was written by Alissa Schafer, former Solar Policy & Communications Manager at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


How I Went Solar In South Carolina

My wife and I just got solar installed on our home's roof a couple months ago and here is our story of how we went solar. Hopefully it helps you go solar…


Florida: Energy Winners and Losers in 2017

Happy 2018! As we would look forward to taking positive steps  towards a cleaner, smarter energy future in the Sunshine State this year, it’s instructive to look at the state energy trends…


Clean Line: A TVA Failure of Clean Energy and Environmental Leadership

It has become increasingly clear that the Tennessee Valley Authority is taking a hostile position towards renewable energy. TVA's recent decision to ignore, or flat out reject, renewable energy from the Plains…


4 Ways You Can Help Defeat Trump's Disastrous New Drilling Plan

You may have heard the news that last week President Trump unveiled an utterly insane national plan for offshore drilling that seeks to auction off 90% of our country's offshore waters to…


Trump Administration pushes offshore drilling EVERYWHERE

Today, the Trump Administration took a huge step toward disaster with the announcement of their draft proposed five year program for offshore drilling. The proposed plan will foist oil and gas drilling…