
Dear Tomorrow - A Mother's Day Letter on Climate Action

This letter was written by SACE organizer Lindsay Pace to her young daughter, Gray, for Mother's Day back in 2016 through the Dear Tomorrow campaign. Lindsay’s letter beautifully captures why she and…


Energy Bill Package in Nashville Could Be A Step To #RenewTN

This blog post was written by Jason Carney, former Clean Energy Program Manager with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. Update: The bills passed on June 4, 2019.


Our 1,350-Mile Tesla Road Trip from Tampa Bay to Knoxville (and back again!)

This blog was written by Kelsey Grentzer, former Florida Communications Coordinator at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. When the topic of electric vehicle (EV) road trips comes up, we inevitably get…


TVA is the Biggest SunBlocker (again): Solar in the Southeast (Part 4)

The fourth installment of our blog series discussing the outcomes of SACE's 2018 "Solar in the Southeast" report discusses TVA's shortcomings when it comes to embracing clean solar.


Another Florida Coal Plant to Go the Way of the Dinosaurs

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


State of Tennessee Agrees TVA Should Be Conducting Its Business In Public

This blog is written by Lindsay Pace, Regional Organizer in Tennessee working on the Renew TN campaign. The current state of affairs in Tennessee is #NotPublicPower.


Recap: Customers Slam Duke Energy's Terrible Fee Hike

This blog was originally published on April 5, 2019 following the conclusion of the the multiple Public hearings across South Carolina. It has been updated to reflect the unanimous ruling from the…


Utility Leaders, current and future: "Solar in the Southeast" (part 3)

Last week, our blog series took a look at the SunRisers. But there are a number of other large utilities who deserve recognition on both our current and future leaderboards. Today's blog…


Making the Case for EVs

This is the first in a series of blogs that will explore the various aspects of the quickly growing Electric Vehicle market and its implications on the transportation sector, energy sector, and…


Trump Offshore Drilling Plan On Indefinite Hold

The Trump Administration’s offshore drilling expansion plan is reportedly on indefinite hold, according to U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt’s comments to the Wall Street Journal earlier today. The hold is due to…