
North Carolina Joins the Largest-Ever State Partnership to Slash Vehicle Pollution

This week, fifteen states plus DC have committed to achieving 100% tailpipe pollution-free electric trucks and buses by 2050. These states account for 35% of the nations' medium and heavy-duty fleets, making…


EVs Are Here, Plug In Now: Elmer and Other FUD

This blog post is the first in a new series by SACE Volunteer Dave Erb intended to dispel some of the mis- and disinformation which dominate the public discourse about electric vehicles…


Florida Up; North Carolina down: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 3)

Florida will surpass North Carolina on total installed solar capacity even sooner than expected. This third blog about our recent 'Solar in the Southeast' annual report shines some light on the updated…


Should I Stay or Should I Go?

With all due respect to The Clash, Memphis has an important decision to make. The City/utility can save hundreds of millions of dollars and receive cleaner energy by leaving TVA for an…


Florida PSC Staff Recommendation on Efficiency Raises Alarm and Questions

Why is the Staff at the Florida Public Service Commission recommending cutting back energy efficiency programs at a time when so many families are struggling to pay already-high power bills?


Policy Matters: 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report (Part 2)

In part two of our blog series about the current 'Solar in the Southeast' Annual Report, we examine policies behind the performance.


Florida Should Make Oil Industry Pay Fair Share of Climate Change Impacts They Caused

Floridians are already feeling the heat and paying the price for climate change which the oil industry caused


Electric Vehicles Will Kick Gas

As the world reels from the public health impacts of the pandemic and economic uncertainty looms large, stories about an impending electric vehicle market crash provide click-bait, little more. It is no…


Driving on Sunshine in a Time of Social Distancing

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


'Solar in the Southeast' – Third Annual Report Highlights Disparity in Solar Growth, Policies, and Approaches Throughout the Region

The Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE) is pleased to release the third annual 'Solar in the Southeast' report. As usual, we include a rolling four-year forward forecast, now covering the period…