
Clean Energy Connection Program Aims To Expand Access to Solar in the Sunshine State

No one can deny the strong demand for solar power in the Sunshine State. In response, Duke Energy Florida aims to launch Clean Energy Connection, a 749 MW shared solar program to…


Regional Offshore Wind Agreement will Lead to more Smart Power for the South Atlantic

A new interstate regional collaboration in the Southeast and mid-Atlantic may lead to more offshore wind energy development.


Transportation Electrification in Florida: State Policies Will Drive Growth (Part 3)

Florida is #2 in the nation in electric vehicle (EV) sales, but currently near the bottom in state government policies and investment. State lawmakers can advance policies and direct investment to accelerate…


Transportation Electrification in Florida: Leveraging Utility Engagement (Part 2)

Florida is #2 in the nation in electric vehicle (EV) sales, but near the bottom in utility investment. The state also lags other states in EV charger deployment. Utility engagement is needed…


Transportation Electrification in Florida: Opportunities are Bright, Could Be Brighter (Part 1)

Florida is #2 in the nation in electric vehicle (EV) sales, but near the bottom in government and utility investment. The state also lags other states in EV charger deployment. Utility engagement…


Where the Candidates Stand on Energy: Complete Series

In this blog, we wrap up our #CandidatesOnEnergy2020 informational blog series that highlights critical races in both federal and state offices where support for clean energy policies could be a factor that…


High energy bills plague low-income Floridians

As regulators allow utilities to disconnect power during the pandemic, it’s time to get to the root of the problem


Transitioning to Electric Transportation will Spur Economic Development in the Southeast

A new brief, "Transportation Electrification in the Southeast", shows that while the region is benefiting greatly from electric vehicle (EV) manufacturing job creation and economic investment, the region is not yet maximizing…


Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast: TVA's stalled decarbonization disadvantages the Tennessee Valley

SACE tracks carbon emissions and planned generation in its annual report entitled "Tracking Decarbonization in the Southeast" to answer the question of whether or not the power sector is decarbonizing at a…


The lights just flickered in Memphis. What happens next really matters.

Over the last two years, several expert studies have shown that Memphis could save hundreds of millions of dollars each year on its energy costs if the city were to switch to…