
TVA distributors looking to expand into owning generation facilities

The debate over building new generation in the Tennessee Valley could take a significant turn with the passage of legislation currently being considered in the Tennessee legislature. This legislation would give the…


"No we can't" a tired refrain about renewable energy in Georgia

Georgia Public Service Commissioner Stan Wise has already demonstrated that he is uninformed about the state’s renewable energy potential, and I guess today he thought he would remind us.  Commissioner Wise’s pessimistic…


Florida's renewable energy future slipping away

With less than two weeks remaining in the Legislative session, the hope for Florida to power its future using truly clean, safe and renewable energy resources dwindles. Governor Crist's commendable target to…


Sen. Alexander's doctored photo distorts the truth

Senator Alexander opened the TVA Congressional Caucus forum on renewable energy last week with a doctored photo criticizing wind energy....


TVA struggling to meet court-ordered clean ups

The Chattanooga Times Free Press reported yesterday that that the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) admits it will be "very difficult, if not impossible" to meet court-ordered pollution controls that would clean up…


Misinformation and a Missed Opportunity

The Tennessee Valley Authority Congressional Caucus held a forum on renewable energy yesterday in Knoxville, Tennessee.  The Caucus, which consists of more than 30 U.S. Senators and Representatives from the seven states…


TVA Congressional Caucus will hold forum on renewable energy

The TVA Congressional Caucus, which helps oversee TVA, recently announced that it's holding a forum on renewable energy in Knoxville on Thursday April 16, 2009.  While most of the details about the…


Duke Energy dispenses with civil discourse

Unfortunately, rude remarks and ad hominem attacks are not new to public discourse.  They tend to emerge in the absence of facts, yet childish remarks and name-calling do nothing to advance the…


Answering the President's call for a clean energy future

This blog was written by Jennifer Rennicks, former Senior Director of Policy & Communications at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Can dirt be clean?

This blog was written by John D. Wilson, former Deputy Director for Regulatory Policy at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.