
What should TVA learn from Fukushima?

 This article, written by Don Safer, was originally published in the Tennessean. Don Safer is board chairman of the Tennessee Environmental Council. It has been two years since the natural and man-made…


Tour with a Twist: What is Ripe to Retire in Georgia and Alabama?

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


SACE Solar Array Shines In Its First Year

Just over a year ago we made the decision to continue to practice what we preach with the installation and activation of our own solar photovoltaic array at our Knoxville, TN office. …


Protecting Renewable Portfolio Standards from Cynical Attacks

This guest post was written by Mindy Luber, President of Ceres and Director of the Investor Network on Climate Risk (INCR) and was originally published on Forbes.com on March 19, 2013. It…


Mrs. Smit Goes to the Capitol for Georgia Wind Energy Day

Yesterday, SACE hosted the first ever Wind Energy Day at the Georgia State Capitol.  This event was sponsored by Senator Lester Jackson (D-Savannah). The first day of spring started with the senator…


Senate Showdown Over Health, Environment

This guest post was written by Andrea Delgado, EarthJustice and was originally published here. Your action is urgently needed to stop multiple anti-environmental riders that threaten to allow more toxic pollution in our…


What Is a Watt, Really?

Clean Energy. We’re all for it. In fact we’re the Southern Alliance for it. But what is it? I’m not talking about the “clean” part. That one word deserves its own essay.…


Is Pope Francis the New Green Pope?

With the announcement from Vatican City that Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio has been elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church, a whole bevy of analysis has begun on the newly elected…


Journey without a map: States move to regulate coal ash lacking federal guidance

Over the last few weeks several Southeastern states introduced coal ash-related legislation. Presumably these actions are in response to the ongoing delay of the Obama Administration to direct the Environmental Protection Agency…


2012 Utility Efficiency Savings Goals Met by TVA, Georgia Power and Duke Energy

The Southeast utilities are starting to step up their game in energy efficiency. I am pleased to report that three of the major utilities here in the Southeast not only met their…