
Kingston Residents Gather and Call for New Public Hearing on Proposed Coal Ash Landfill

To read supplemental comments on the proposed landfill submitted by environmental groups Feb. 9, 2015, click here. Thursday night, February 5th, more than 30 local residents of Kingston, TN joined together at…


Black History Month Energy Champions: Steve Rutherford Explains Why Solar Power is the Next Frontier of Freedom

This blog was written by Amelia Shenstone, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Climate Justice: A Fight for Equal Opportunity

In honor of Black History Month - the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy is publishing an original blog series highlighting the efforts of African American leaders working to ensure that clean energy opportunities are available…


Georgia’s Electric Vehicle Leadership Under Attack

Georgia has become one of the nation’s fastest-growing markets for electric vehicles (EVs). We have the second-most registered EVs in the country and Atlanta has the second-highest percentage of EV registrations among…


1 year since Dan River: 3 ways to prevent another coal ash disaster

One year ago today, Duke Energy dumped nearly 39,000 tons of coal ash and 24 million gallons of wastewater into the Dan River near Eden, North Carolina. That's a total of 140,000 tons…


Engaging on Energy: SACE Promotes Clean Energy Opportunities in Memphis

Memphis is Tennessee’s largest city and is unique both geographically and demographically. Memphis is the Tennessee Valley Authority’s (TVA) western-most hub and home to TVA’s largest distributor utility, Memphis Light, Gas and…


Yes, America wants solar and wind, not nukes

This guest blog was originally published by Michael Mariotte, president of the Nuclear Information Resource Service (NIRS) in GreenWorld on January 16, 2015. Find the direct post here. The post references the…


Southeast Coast Up For Sale For Offshore Drilling?

Today, the Obama administration proposed a sale to lease the waters off of the Carolinas, Georgia, and Virginia for oil and gas development. The details of this proposal were released in the…


"Reliable" Nuclear Reactor Shuts Down in Blizzard

This blog was written by Sara Barczak, former Regional Advocacy Director with the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy.


Mighty Ducks: How do wind turbines affect ducks?

As duck hunting season comes to a close, flocks of hunters have enjoyed a potentially record-breaking season thanks in part to good weather and successful conservation efforts. Despite strong conservation measures which…