
Honoring 40 Days of Lent and 40 Faith Organizations Using Clean Energy

Kailie Melchior, Communications intern with SACE, co-wrote this blog. In the spirit of Lent, SACE has reflected on the past 40 days of Lent by showcasing 40 places of worship that put…


Video and Petition: Florida Power and Light in Hot Water with Turkey Point Contamination

Heard the news about Florida Power and Light's (FPL) Turkey Point nuclear reactors' contamination of Biscayne National Park and the public drinking water resource? Spoiler Alert: The news is not good. A…


How Communities Can Welcome Wind Farms

This blog is part of the Southern Wind Energy Association’s Windy Wednesday series leading up to the wind energy industry’s largest annual event, WINDPOWER 2016, being hosted in New Orleans May 23-26. Registration and details…


Guest Post: Rural Electric Cooperatives Improve Energy Efficiency with On-Bill Financing

This post was written by Marilynn Marsh-Robinson, Partnership and Alliances Manager at the Environmental Defense Fund, and originally appeared on EDF's Energy Exchange blog on March 9, 2016. You can view the…


Green Spirit Awards: Rock Hill, SC Brewery Turns Sun Into Beer

This is the second post in our Green Spirit Awards monthly blog series, highlighting breweries, wineries and distilleries in the Southeast using clean energy to create tasty, sustainable beverages. You can read…


How Much Solar Was Installed in 2015 and Where?

Don’t stop us now! After another record breaking year for the industry, hopes are high for solar, despite being faced with challenges and setbacks throughout the country. 7,260 megawatts of solar were…


Megawatt Madness: Top picks for wind energy for the Southeast

This blog is part of the Southern Wind Energy Association’s Windy Wednesday series leading up to the wind energy industry’s largest annual event, WINDPOWER 2016, being hosted in New Orleans May 23-26. Registration and details…


SCOTUS Nominee Merrick Garland and Environmental Regulation

Today, at a live event in the Rose Garden, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland, currently the chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Reminding everyone…


Another Option in the Toolbox for National Climate Action is Being Targeted by Industry

If climate change deniers see it as a threat to their efforts to stymie climate action, then you know it's a powerful tool. Clean Air Act Section 115, which has never been used…


Coastal voices win out over Big Oil’s influence as plans for Atlantic drilling are cancelled

Today is a a day to celebrate. The Obama Administration has chosen to side with the interests of citizens, small businesses, and coastal communities over the influence of Big Oil and has…